What is C++?

Sharad Jha
3 min readFeb 3, 2022


Are you a coding enthusiast? If yes then this article is written for you. Let us know about the features of the well-known language C++.


C++ is the language of choice for expressing our solutions in code.

Whether the demanding requirements are high performance, low memory footprint, low-level hardware control, concurrency, high-level abstractions, robustness, or reliable response times, C++ must be able to do the job with reasonable build times using industry-standard toolchains, without sacrificing portability across hardware and OS platforms, compatibility with existing libraries, or readability and maintainability.

Let’s make it simple, Imagine you are asked in an interview about the benefits of using C++. So here are some key points for this particular question.

What’s It Good For?

High-Level Abstractions at Low Cost.

Well-chosen abstractions (algorithms, types, mechanisms, data structures, interfaces, etc.) greatly simplify reasoning about programs, making programmers more productive by not getting lost in the details and being able to treat user-defined types and libraries as well-understood and well-behaved building blocks. Using them, developers are able to conceive of and design projects of much greater scope and vision.

Low-Level Access When You Need It.

It is capable of and designed for low-level hardware control, including responding to hardware interrupts. C++ allows programmers to construct objects at arbitrary locations in memory. This allows the programmer to allocate buffers in which many objects can be very efficiently created and destroyed with great flexibility over object lifetimes.

Wide Range of Applicability.

Very large applications and large development teams require languages that scale. C++ has been used as the primary development language for projects with hundreds of engineers and scores of modules. Its support for a separate compilation of modules makes it possible to create projects where analyzing and/or compiling all the project code at once would be impractical.

Highly Portable.

C++ is designed with a specific hardware model in mind, and this model has minimalistic requirements. This has made it possible to port C++ tools and code very broadly, as machines built today, from nanocomputers to number-crunching behemoths, are all designed to implement this hardware model.

Extra-language factors, such as the installed user base and industry support, always favor C++ when a systems language is required and tend to favor C++ when choosing a language for building large-scale applications.

Industry Dominance.

C++ has emerged as the dominant language in a number of diverse product categories and industries. What these domains have in common is either a need for a powerful, portable systems programming language or an application-programming language with uncompromising performance. Some domains where C++ is dominant or near dominant include search engines, web browsers, game development, system software, and embedded computing, automotive, aviation, aerospace and defense contracting, financial engineering, GPS systems, telecommunications, video/audio/image processing, networking, big science projects, and ISVs.

Thanks for reading. Hope you got an answer about why one should use C++.

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Sharad Jha

Founder & President @ iOS Club, VIT Bhopal | 19 | VITB'25 | C++ | Android Developer